The Response Group's Geographic Information System (GIS) team are the leaders in the industry, providing a unique suite of products and solutions to meet a variety of needs for a rapidly expanding customer base. With years of industry experience, a suite of technology, and a diverse team background, TRG supports a range of products from basic overview maps to Common Operating Pictures.

Whether it is a planned or unplanned event, TRG can provide Enhanced Mapping Support for your response team with a suite of custom map products and solutions to enable our clients to make informed decisions.
From worst case discharge and DOT high consequence area to general asset location maps, TRG can provide your operation the visual display required to get the job done.
TRG creates custom wall maps based on any request to ensure your organization is has the visuals needed to support any function. Facility, Area Overview, or any other custom map is a great aid for an office or command post.

The Common Operating Picture (COP) is a command and control mapping tool for situational awareness, effective decision making, rapid response actions, and appropriate operational execution under the Incident Command System (ICS). Data is layered from multiple sources to provide responders with one central location to access current and planned activities. The Response Groups COP takes advantage of the integration of real-time information driven from the IAP Software™ and industry leading mapping analytics to ensure the Incident management team has a comprehensive picture.

Our Unmanned Aerial Systems are directly integrated with GIS Mapping and Common Operating Picture to provide enhanced situational awareness, video streaming, high-resolution imagery mosaics, GIS data collection, elevations, pre-and post-impact assessments, among many others.
Trajectories allow for determination of product movement, tracking weathering information (mass balance and fates), and identification of potential areas of impact. Subsurface oil spill modeling and analysis allows us to determine the amount of time it takes for oil to reach the surface, at what location, and potential impacts a coastline and any potentially impacted offset operators. Using globally forecasted metocean conditions from around the world, TRG can provide surface and subsurface modelling results for a response, live exercise, or as part of an active preparedness and planning program both domestically and internationally.
Modeling determines how air pollutants travel and disperse in the atmosphere as a result of meteorological conditions. The model can predict the downwind concentration of an air plume from any chemical release. This prediction also builds a hazardous zone footprint that can be added to a map for quick reference using our GIS software. Such models are important to emergency responders tasked with protecting and managing areas surrounding the source.